

Termez (Uzbek: Termiz/Термиз; Persian: ترمذ, Tirmiz; Arabic: ترمذ Tirmidh; Russian: Термез; Ancient Greek: Tàrmita, Thàrmis, Θέρμις) is the capital of Surxondaryo Region in southern Uzbekistan. Administratively, it is a district-level city.[2] Its population is 182,800 (2021).[1] It is notable as the site of Alexander the Great's city Alexandria on the Oxus, as a center of early Buddhism, as a site of Muslim pilgrimage, and as a base of Soviet Union military operations in Afghanistan, accessible via the nearby Hairatan border crossing. Some link the name of the city to the Greek word Θέρμος (thermos), meaning "hot", and date the toponym to the rule of Alexander the Great.[3] Others suggest that it came from Sanskrit तर्मतो (tarmato), meaning "on the river bank".[4][5]