’s founding team consists of Silicon Valley veterans who have successfully started numerous companies, raised over $50m in venture capital, sold companies and also sold patents to Google.
We are members of Arrival (In Destination Association), (American Society of Travel Agents) and Travel Maasive
Ankesh, was born in India, grew up in London, started numerous companies in Silicon Valley. ATSystems, 0-$22m in 4 years. Sold to TMP, the parent company of Monster. Personic, 0- $25m in 4 years. The company was merged with Kronos.
Sold patents to Google for "Sharing as a "Page Ranking Mechanism", a year before Facebook's "Like button"
Currently nurturing 3 startups,, Tik Tok for travel, Audiograms, using AI for quicker consumption of Podcasts & Sharetivity personalized outreach for Salespeople.
Torlach is an experienced Data Scientist, currently working on Slide to create a recommendation system to boost user retention, and extract actionable insights that drive revenue growth.
He worked for Microsoft for 15 years in the US and Dublin, Ireland.
Experienced Data Scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Engineering, Research, English, Data Analytics, and Teaching. Strong engineering professional background with a MSc. Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. focused in Mathematics from Technological University Dublin.
Vivek Tyagi has been the technical co-founder for numerous silicon valley start-up's, Slide, Socialmail, LetsChat and Sharetivity, just to name a few. Vivek is the first guy that a business founder calls upon. The guy to execute the vision into a product. He creates the magic, the actual product from an idea. His power lies in the ability to interpret concepts into something users love.
Vivek is based in both Mumbai and Palo Alto.