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Create Account

Click Register to create a new account or login with your existing account.


Update your information in the Profile Section

This information will be shown to travelers so make it as complete as possible.

Make sure to select 'Tourism Professional' and fill these fields as well!


Add a profile video by tapping on your profile image

Introduce yourself to your travelers. The video should be at most 30 seconds. Tell them your name, where you live, some of the tours you offer and why you love what you do.


Add your tours as experiences

An experience is a tour you offer. Name the experience so that people can easily understand what the tour is about. Include the location of the tour.

For example, Experience Name: "4 Day Hiking Tour of Mt. Everest"

Located in: Mt. Everest, Nepal


Add a 15 to 30 second video about your tour

It's best to include a video where you tell us about the various sights and things the tour will include. Tell people a few of the highlights, how long the tour is and include why this is a great tour.


Add description, duration and cost

We recommend you change the description to include a summary of what the tour includes from start to finish. This should be comprehensive. Include how long the tour is and the cost per person.


Repeat the process to add your other tours

The more experiences you add, the more listings will be shown on Google Things To Do. From the top menu, click on My Experiences then Add Experience.


See your pages on the web

Access the menu from the top left menu icon. A link to your profile is shown below your profile picture. Visit this link to see all of the experiences. you have added, check your profile information and make sure you are not missing anything.


Wait while loading

Once you submit you may see another loading screen, depending on your internet connection.

You are done!

The tour will be available on Slide and sent to Google Things to do for approval

Creating videos

Wherever you live in the world, it's fascinating to people that do not live there. So what you may consider a normal daily activity to others who can get a glimpse of your location it's very interesting.

So whether it be the sun going down, having a coffee with a local delicacy, walking in the bazaar, sharing some local buildings it's interesting for others.

People in Kazakhstan are curious to know how people in Kenya live their lives and vice versa.

People in Adelaide have a different climate and culture to people in Anchorage and would be intrigued to learn those differences.

So just take short videos that give people that window of your location, so we can learn each other's culture and how we live our lives.

In this small way we hope to bring a little happiness to people around the world.

Make it informative, make it inspiring and if possible a little entertaining, but always authentic.

Lastly, many people are shy about being on camera, no problem, do not show yourself, show your location, turn the camera away from you and just explain what you are showing.

We want to make the videos about the location and not about you:)