

Sunyani is the capital city of the Bono Region and the Sunyani Municipal of Ghana.[2][3][4] Sunyani had a population of 1,208,649 at the 2021 population and housing census.[5] The city consists mainly of the Bonos, Akans other tribes.[6][7] Sunyani is surrounded by the forested uplands in the mid-south western part of Ghana. The city of Sunyani rose as an outpost camp for elephant hunters during the 19th century; its name derives from the Akan word for elephant, 'Osondmg o'.[8] In 1924, the colonial government designated Sunyani as a district headquarters.[8] Following the construction of a road connecting Sunyani and the city of Kumasi, Sunyani became an important hub for the distribution of cocoa, kola nuts, and staple foods such as maize and yams.[8] Today Sunyani is home to then Brong-Ahafo regional now the Bono Regional seat of government and high court. Although considerably smaller than Kumasi, Sunyani is growing rapidly and has effectively engulfed the suburbs of Fiapre and Abesim, amongst others. Sunyani is considered as one of the cleanest cities in the country.[8][9]