Gandhidham, initially known as Sardarganj, located in the eastern part of Kutch district in the state of Gujarat and it is the largest and most populous city in (Kachchh) Kutch District, Gujarat, India.[1] It was created in the early 1950s for the resettlement of Sindhi Hindu refugees from Sindh (now in Pakistan) in the aftermath of the partition of India.[2] It was named after M.K. Gandhi. An economic capital of Kutch and a growing area for families and retirees. According to the Cesus-2011, Gandhidham is Gujarat's 8th[3][4] most populous city. It is a popular destination for conventions, business, and meetings. Soon after the Partition of India, in 1947, a large group of Sindhi Hindus refugees from Sindh of Pakistan migrated to India. The maharaja of Kutch Vijayaraji donated 15,000 acres (61 km2) of land to Bhai Pratap, who founded the Sindhu Resettlement Corporation Ltd. (SRC) to rehabilitate Sindhi Hindus that migrated from Sindh in Pakistan.[5]