Arapongas is a municipality within the state of Paraná, South Region, Brazil. It is located in the Metropolitan area of Londrina, Microregion Apucarana and Mesoregion North Central Paranaense, being located at a distance of 386 km from the state capital, Curitiba. It occupies an area of approximately 382 km2.[2] In 2020, its population was estimated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 124,810 inhabitants, the sixteenth-most populous city of Paraná, and second-most populous metropolitan area of Londrina.[3] Situated in the Northern Paraná region, was born by the company's initiative to Northlands Paraná, pioneered the settlement of the region. As well as the cities founded by the company, had all its development based on a master plan. Its creator and founder was William da Fonseca Brabason Davids, director of Northlands Company of Paraná, which at the time of Arapongas Foundation held the post of Mayor of Londrina. In 1935, the French dealer René Cellot and her daughter Jeanine Cellot bought the first lots of land, intended for urban construction. Thus, on 28 September 1935, Rene Cellot and her daughter settled with a home business in the same place where today is the building of Banco Bradesco S / A (former Brazilian Discount Bank S / A), the av. Spies. In the same year it opened and sold the first lot to the Brazilian agricultural farmer Floriano Freire. Immediately, several other farmers, from different nationalities, have taken up residence in the place and settled down with trading houses. In the following years were populated the plots intended for colonies formed by Japanese and Slavic immigrants, coming thus in 1937, the Colonies Orleans Hope and already populated, which greatly contributed to the progress and expansion of new equity.